This application is for all eligible active participants and is used for the purpose of applying for a Normal retirement (age 65 and older) or an Early retirement (under 65).
This form is used by a vested participant, who left the CTA with more than 10 years of continuous service to elect deferred pension at the age of 65.
Used by a retiring participant to reject a survivorship option.
This is a voluntary benefit and it is to provide a monthly benefit for the life of the surviving spouse upon the death of the retiree. If the spouse dies before the retiree, the retiree's monthly benefit remains at the reduced amount for life.
This application is for all eligible active participants who have at least 5 years or at least 10 years of pension service for a work or non-work related illness or injury and has received benefits for that particular disability for 26 weeks under the CTA’s Group Accident and Sickness Insurance.
This application is for the spouse of a CTA employee who is eligible for a survivorship allowance, because their spouse died during his/her employment at the CTA, after he/she became eligible to retire.
This form is used by a designated beneficiary of a retiree entitled to the payment of the death benefit upon the retiree's death.
This application is required to verify that you are the designated beneficiary
This application is used by the participant who resigns or is terminated from the employment with the CTA and is entitled to a refund of their contributions.
Use this Federal W-4P to tell payers the correct amount of federal income tax to withhold from your payment(s).
This form is required to establish a direct deposit to your account. You will need to provide a voided check or a bank form with this application.
Use this form to setup an automatic monthly deduction from your retirement benefits for your union fees.
Use this form to setup an automatic monthly deduction from your retirement benefits for your union fees.
Use this form to notify the Pention Plan Office of your address changes.
Use this application when you choose to voluntarily terminate your participation in the pension plan. This option is only available to non-bargained for, non-vested employees.
QDRO Guidelines for the Retirement Plan for CTA Employees
Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO) Benefit Allowance Application
Use this application to designate or change the beneficiary of your death benefits.
This form must be completed at the time of separation from service at the CTA.
Explanation and Understanding Statement on How Premium Service and Eligibility Service are determined for the RHCT health care premium cost.